Greatest Hits

Dror Poleg
Members Public

Perpetual Gamma Squeeze

A "crowd with a bank account" is turning the economy — and society — on its head.

Dror Poleg
Members Public

Andreessen Pulls a Bezos

Cheap money and power-law profits are killing venture funds and birthing venture firms.

Dror Poleg
Members Public

Betting the Firm

The company of the future will look like a venture fund, and talent will become a truly investable asset.

Dror Poleg
Members Public

No Floor, No Ceiling

The internet gives more people an opportunity to win. But it forces everyone to play the game.

Dror Poleg
Members Public

The TINA Economy

Young people are tired of paying for the illusion of safety. Is there no alternative?

Dror Poleg
Members Public

Winner Takes Most

The internet matches us with those who'd pay most for our unique combination of skills and characteristics. It also exposes us to anxieties that were previously reserved only for pop stars.

Dror Poleg
Members Public

The Ponzi Career

The future of work is a pyramid scheme, where every person sells his favorite person to the next person.

Dror Poleg
Members Public

NFTs and the Future of Work

Technology will make it possible to compensate each person according to their economic value. That’s pretty bad news for most people, and very good news for some.

Dror Poleg
Members Public

The Office Prisoner's Dilemma

Once some companies embrace remote work, all companies are forced to embrace remote work.

Dror Poleg
Members Public

Rise of the 10X Class

The "robber barons" of the 21st Century are the people who used to sit next to you at the office.