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Dror Poleg

How will AI reshape the physical world?

Dror Poleg is an award-winning author and speaker, exploring technology's impact on how humans live, work, and invest. His insights into the future of cities, offices, and markets have appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, and more.

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AI and the Physical World

"There is a mismatch between our economy and the world we build around it: Our cities, our office buildings, and our housing system. But also, in a more figurative sense, our assumptions about work and success and productivity, and the institutions that we built to educate our kids."

AI and the Physical World
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Books I enjoyed this year.

Below are books I read and enjoyed this year, not necessarily for the first time. The list includes books I took notes on, meaning I found them worthwhile. I included affiliate links to Amazon in case you'd like to explore further. The Idea Factory, a history of Bell

Books I enjoyed this year.
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The Promise of Precise Mass

AI will democratize new ways to live — and die.

The Promise of Precise Mass
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Working The Nvidia Way

A new book sheds light on how to poach, manage, and retain talent.

Working The Nvidia Way
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Nobody Knows Anything

How the laws of show business are reshaping our cities, companies, and careers.

Nobody Knows Anything

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Midwit-Adjacent Investing

Looking for a good investment? Find it on the lower slopes of the midwit curve.

Midwit-Adjacent Investing